ADD:No.3£¬Leye street,Liusha industrial,Jianghai district, Jiangmen city,Guangdong province,China
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Location: Home > Products > Wood Block Embossing Machine
1300mm Trimming And Polishing Machine




     For polishing the edges of woodblocks,oil paintings,etc.And making crystal edges.
1£®Multi-function:trimming,polishing and making crystal edges.
2£®Uses steel guide rails.This helps it move smoothly and polish well.
3£®Creative design.It has a sound insulation system.
4£®Can make straight.bevel or round lines.
5£®Has dust removal system.
6£®No noise,no smell and it is suitable for indoor use.
7£®Operates easily.
¡ôworking length£ºunlimited     
¡ôtrimming width£º0.1~25 mm  
¡ôtrimming speed£º20000r/min
¡ômachine size£º1300¡Á800¡Á1000mm     
¡ôpacking size£º1340¡Á870¡Á1060mm
¡ôpackage: wooden case
Ivan Law